Photo taken at The Columbia Club
by Summerly Photography
by Summerly Photography
12/11/2022 The Pronouncement!I Now Pronounce you:I Now Pronounce You Married! Husband and Wife! Wife and Wife! Husband and Husband! Partners for Life! Spouse and Spouse! Married! Please let me know what works for you! Pronouncement Option 1 Name and Name, in the presence of your family and friends today, you have spoken the words and performed the rites which unite your lives. It is my great please to pronounce you husband and wife/married. Pronouncement Option 2 Forasmuch as you, Name. and you, Name, have openly declared your wishes to be united in marriage, and in the presence of these witnesses have pledged love to each other, and have confirmed the same by joining hands, exchanging rings and declaring your vows, I, as a minister, and legally authorized to do so, pronounce that you are now, husband and wife/married. Pronouncement Option 3 Name and Name, through their words today, have joined together in marriage. Because they have exchanged their vows before these witnesses, have pledged their commitment each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by exchanging rings, I now pronounce that they are husband and wife/married. Those who have chosen to be joined together, let no one separate! The Kiss! You may kiss the Bride! You may seal this marriage with a kiss! Kiss!! Don't kiss... it's up to you! ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
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