Photo taken at The Columbia Club
by Summerly Photography
by Summerly Photography
Formal Wedding Ceremony Script 8Many couples are choosing something a little different for their wedding ceremony. Often, the choice has nothing to do with religious beliefs, it's just because they want something different. When I first started officiating weddings and couples asked for handfastings I thought they were Pagan. While, I do marry pagans and include handfastings in their ceremonies, that is not always the case. More often, it's simply cos-play or because a couple loved it in a movie! I'm not Pagan. There are more elaborate, traditional, Pagan Handfasting scripts available. I don't feel comfortable performing those - simply because it's not part of my religious background and I don't feel genuine when I do it. This script takes the basic elements of a handfasting and makes it more approachable. You can easily add other elements to this ceremony to make the handfasting part of your wedding ceremony, but not your whole wedding. Welcoming Family and friends, thank you for joining us here today as we join Name and Name in marriage. It is our joy to witness and celebrate their wedding in a rich celebration, sustained as we are in the mysterious power of all creation and whose core is Love. Name and Name come here today as two individuals seeking to become one in marriage. By choosing to marry, you do not lose your individuality but instead, enter into a promise of a new life united in your love. And we, your family and friends, have gathered here to share in your joy and to ask the infinite power in creation to bless you. We hold that marriage is a gift, sealed by a tender, lasting, sacred covenant. Declaration of Support The marriage of Name and Name brings together two different families and their two unique storylines. Today, a new chapter in their lives begins to unfold. Although this relationship was formed out of the love these two have found in each other, their marriage will ultimately be blessed by the support of their families. At this time, I formally ask for that blessing. Name’s mother and father, Name and Name, do you offer this couple your goodwill? Do you welcome Name as a member of your family and give him/her your love and affection? Parents: We do. Name’s mother and father, Name and Name, do you offer this couple your goodwill? Do you welcome Name as a member of your family and give him/her your love and affection? Parents: We do. All of you here present, As these two people join together in marriage, they ask for the support and love of not only their families but of their friends as well. On this day, they ask that you be more than only Friends and family and honored guests, will you recognize this special union as well? Welcoming the marriage of Name and Name into your lives? If so, please say, “we will.” Everyone: We will Thank you. Name and Name have chosen to perform a handfasting as part of their wedding ceremony today. You may be asking, what is handfasting? Good question! Handfasting is an ancient custom used long before there were legalities to marriage, and before marriages were performed in churches or synagogues. There was a time when to be seen in public holding hands was a sign that a couple was exclusive to one another and the handfasting ceremony is built around that holding of hands. During a handfasting, the couple holds hands and their hands are symbolically tied together and they say their vows. If you are a fan of the movies Princess Bride or Braveheart, or the series Game of Thrones - They all had handfastings. It might be said that the act of handfasting inspired the terms “Bonds of Holy Matrimony” and “Tie the knot.” Handfasting is part of the marriage celebration in earth-based religions where the couple links hands, to form an infinity circle, symbolizing the entirety of the universe as represented in their relationship. With that in mind, Name and Name, please join hands in the infinity circle. Know now before you go further, that since your lives have crossed in this life you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive to make real the ideals that give meaning to both this ceremony and the institution of marriage. With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be handfasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent to something greater, to the mystical power of love itself. The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul's growth. Declaration of Intent I now ask you both: Do you both seek to enter into this ceremony where you will make the commitment to each other to live together as marriage partners? Couple: Yes, We Seek to Enter. Dedication (Blessing) of the Hands You are holding hands today during this ceremony to symbolize your physical joining in a spiritual covenant. Remember that marriage itself is active engagement. You will, at some point, have to get your hands dirty working at it. With that in mind, remember that: These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy. These are the hands that will comfort you in illness and hold you when fear or grief racks your mind. These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times. These are the hands that will give you support and encourage you to chase your dreams. Together, everything you wish for can be realized. Prepare the cords Today we will use this cord to symbolize the binding or promises. The First Promise Also known as the binding Partner 1 Name, Will you be Name’s faithful partner for life? Yes, I will. Partner 2 Name, Will you be Name’s faithful partner for life? Yes, I will. Both Will you be each other’s constant friends and one true love? Both: Yes, We will. And so the binding is made. The cord is wrapped around the couple's wrist. The second promise Partner 1 Name, do you promise to love Name without reservation? Yes, I do. Partner 2 Name, do you promise to love Name without reservation? Yes, I do. Both Will both of you stand by one another in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want? Both: Yes, We do. And so the binding is made. The cord is wrapped around the couple's wrist. The Third Promise Partner 1 Name, will you stand together with Name in your times of joy and sorrow? Yes, I will. Partner 2 Name, will you stand together with Name in your times of joy and sorrow? Yes, I will. Both Will the two of you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union? Both answer: Yes, we will And so the binding is made. The cord is wrapped around the couple's wrist. The Fourth Promise Partner 1 Name, do you promise you will always be open and honest with Name, for as long as you both shall live? Yes, I promise. Partner 2 Name, do you promise you will always be open and honest with Name, for as long as you both shall live? Yes, I promise. Both Will the two of you dream together to create new realities and hopes for this marriage? Yes, we will And so the binding is made. The cord is wrapped around the couple's wrist. The Fifth Promise Partner 1 Name, Will you honor this Person/man/woman? Name: I will Partner 2 Name, Will you honor this Person/man/woman? Name: I will Both Will you both seek to cherish and strengthen that honor? Both: Yes, We will And so the binding is made. The cord is wrapped around the couple's wrist. Binding of All Promises Remove cord while saying: The knots of this binding are not formed by these chords but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the chords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making or breaking of this union. Blessing and Exchange of Rings May we have the rings, please? These rings are circles, symbols that remind us of the Sun, and the Earth, and the universe. Symbols of holiness, of perfection, of peace, and that which has no beginning and no end. In this moment, let us all bring our blessing to these rings so that they may remain symbols of unity and commitment. Grant that the love which Name and Name have for each other now may always be as unending as these rings. Let us take a moment and send our prayers, our thoughts, and our love to these rings so that as they wear them, they will carry our love with them as well. Name and Name, as you wear these rings throughout your marriage and your lives, may they remind you of the love you share with one another. Name, as you place the ring on Name’s finger, please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, let it ever be a symbol of my love. Name, as you place the ring on Name’s finger, please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, let it ever be a symbol of my love. Recognition Of Marriage Only a couple can seal the promise of marriage to each other, and only a couple can bind it. No power vested in me by the state can grant me the authority to declare what only these two hearts can declare, and what only these two souls can make real. And so now, inasmuch as you, Name, and you, Name, have announced the truths that are already written in your hearts, and have witnessed the same in the presence of these, your family and friends, -- we observe joyfully that you are now married. ** Formal Ceremony 1 ** Formal Ceremony 2 - Traditional, Non-Religious ** Formal Ceremony 3 - Modern and Romantic ** ** Formal Ceremony 4 - Short and Sweet ** Formal Ceremony 5 - Christian-lite ** Formal Ceremony 6 - Secular Humanist ** ** Formal Ceremony 7 - Interfaith-Jewish ** Formal Ceremony 8 - Modern Handfasting ** Formal Ceremony 9 - Christian Traditional ** ** Formal Ceremony 10 ** ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
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