Photo taken at The Columbia Club
by Summerly Photography
by Summerly Photography
12/12/2022 Wedding Ring ExchangesRing Exchange Option 1 With this Ring, I marry you. Or With this ring, I, thee wed. Ring Exchange Option 2 This ring is my promise to accept your imperfections and appreciate all that makes you unique and beautiful. Ring Exchange Option 3 I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you. Ring Exchange Option 4 I Name, take you, Name to be my Husband/Wife/Partner in Life. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, in joy and sorrow, and I promise my love to you for as long as we both shall live. Ring Exchange Option 5 I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you Ring Exchange Option 6 Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you and a reminder of my devotion to you. I am honored to call you my wife/husband/partner-in-life. Ring Exchange Option 7 I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. I will be by your side now and forever. Ring Exchange Option 8 I, Name, will share my life with yours, build our dreams together, support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty. This commitment is made in love, kept in earnest, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives. ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
12/12/2022 Christian Ring BlessingsRing Blessing Option 1 May the Lord bless these rings which you give as your sign of love and devotion. Amen. Ring Blessing Option 2 Bless, O Lord, the giving, and receiving of these rings. May Name and Name abide in Thy peace and grow in their knowledge of Your presence through their loving union. May the seamless circle of these rings become the symbol of their endless love and serve to remind them of the holy covenant they have entered into today to be faithful, loving, and kind to each other. Dear God, may they live in Your grace and be forever true to this union. Amen. Ring Blessing Option 3 The circle has long been a symbol of God. Without beginning or end and with no point of weakness, the circle is a reminder of the eternal quality of God and of unending strength. Let the seamless circle of these rings become the symbol of your endless love. Your wedding rings are most special because they say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bonded, to allow the presence of another human being to enhance who you are. ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
12/12/2022 Christian Ring ExchangesChristian Ring Exchange Option 1 I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. With this ring, I thee wed. Christian Ring Exchange Option 2 I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness. Receive this ring as a token of wedded love and faith. Christian Ring Exchange Option 3 This ring I give you, in token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love. ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
12/12/2022 Unity CeremoniesThe Unity Ceremony!A unity ceremony is an element that can be included in your ceremony. It's used to represent your joining in marriage in a physical way. Usually, you join two things together to symbolize the who of you. I think the most popular unity ceremony is the Sand Ceremony followed by the Unity Candle. The most popular in recent years has been the bourbon ceremony - when you combine two flavors of moonshine and wait for it to age. Physical tying a knot is popular too. These are scripts of the most popular unity ceremonies you are welcome to include in the $250 Formal Ceremony Package. If you would like to create something new, we can definitely do that! That would be part of the $350 Personalized Ceremony Package. Some couples come up with some really interesting ideas! Keep in mind, you may not want to make a sandwich, paint a canvas or wash each other's feet in the middle of your wedding ceremony. The chances of a dirty dress are pretty high! But, you probably won't be wearing it again either... Unity Candle Unity Candle Option 1 Name and Name, as you light this candle of unity, you symbolize the flame of your own individual selves joining to ignite the partnership of marriage. You also bring the warmth, strength and wisdom of your family’s fire as kindling for your own. Your flames are separate, yet they feed the same fire. From this day onward, may you bask in the beauty of the light of your love, may its light shine bright and steady upon your path together and may its heat keep you warm through all the days of your lives and beyond. Unity Candle Option 2 Name and Name, are now going to light their unity candle. The two separate candles symbolize your separate lives up until today. Your separate families, separate sets of friends, and everything and everyone that has worked together to make each of you who you are as the unique and fabulous individuals that you are! Your mothers are going to come up and light those candles. They are the women who started all, giving birth to you, nurturing and loving you, starting you on the way to this moment. You will then use those two candles to light the center candle. Mothers come up and light their candles, then the couple lights their candle. Spoken during the lighting (Can also play music instead) True love is a sacred flame that burns eternally, And none can dim its special glow or change its destiny. True love speaks in tender tones and hears with gentle ear, True love gives with open heart and true love conquers fear. True love makes no harsh demands it neither rules nor binds, And true love holds with gentle hands the hearts that it entwines. Sand Ceremony Sand Ceremony Option 1 This is for just the couple Today, this relationship is symbolized by pouring these two individual containers of sand. Each container represents all that each of you was, all that you are, and all that you will ever be. The pouring of your containers of sand together symbolizes the joining of your lives. Combining the sand into this special container creates a work of art. May you find that your marriage is also a work of art. The two of you together will continue to become so much more than the sum of your parts. Sand Ceremony Option 2 This is an option for including younger children Name and Name, along with their children, will now perform a sand ceremony. Today as mom and dad make their lifelong commitment, they wanted to have a little fun as they celebrate their family and include everyone in this part of the ceremony. Here, you can see these containers of sand, one for each of them, and this bigger vessel they will each pour their sand into to make one big work of unique art. Each individual vessel of sand represents each person and all they ever were, all they are today, and all they ever will be. Each of their special, unique, and fabulous personalities! Once the sand has all been poured together, it can never be separated. Just like this family is formally joined together by marriage today, you can never be separated and return to the way you were. You will always be better off being part of the family! Now, pour your sand. Sand Ceremony Option 3 For a large family with children of all ages. Name and Name, today you are making a lifelong commitment to share the rest of your lives together. In the process, you are also joining your individual families together, creating one big, beautiful, blended family. The gathering of this new family will have an impact on everyone. We wish for your home together to be a happy one. As you realize your individual wants and needs and try to figure out how you can make the whole puzzle work together to create a happy home, we wish you all the love and understanding you need - and a good sense of humor! Now, we are going to symbolize the creation of your new family with a sand ceremony. It’s a bit of a puzzle itself, with each of you getting your sand into the common container, but it can be a fun experience, and you are allowed to giggle and laugh as you do it! You each get your own individual containers of sand. They represent each of you, (Can name the children here,) and all that you were before today, all that you are standing here today, and all that you will ever be. Each of you is individual and unique. You are each very special! You all bring your unique specialness to the family, and when you do so, you will find the sum of your parts is greater than you ever imagined! Your coming together as a family is meant to enhance who you are as individuals and make you better - Together! Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into individual containers, so will your family be - together forever. You may now blend the sand together. The Hand Ceremony/Handfasting These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you build your future. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes, tears of sorrow and tears of joy. These are the hands that will give you support and encouragement to chase down your dreams. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. These are the hands that will lift your chin and brush your cheek as they raise your face to look into eyes that are filled with overwhelming love for you. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch. The Box Ceremony Wine/Letter/Treasures At this time, Name and Name would like to do something to remember this special day. First, they have this box created and personalized just for them. They are going to put memories in the box to keep until their 5th anniversary. The first memory is a bottle of wine. They chose to get married here, in this beautiful vineyard, so it is only fitting they choose a bottle of wine produced here, at Mallow Run Winery. The other things going into the box are these two letters they have written to each other. The letters are about how they feel today about themselves, each other and their hopes for the future as a married couple. On their 5th anniversary, they will open the box, enjoy the wine and read the letters they have written. They will be able to look back and see the love they share today, their wedding day, in its innocence and beauty. Hopefully, as they look back, they will be able to see how they have grown as individuals and how their love and relationship has changed and matured through marriage. The Cord of Three Strands Name and Name have decided to perform the ceremony of the Cord of Three Strands. It’s based on the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4, Verse 12 that says “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” The bible reference can be removed to make this a secular unity ceremony instead. It states that the two of them together are stronger than they are separate and alone. We often use the word synergy to say that the sum is greater than the parts. But what is it that actually makes us greater? What’s that magical ingredient? The ingredient is Love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It’s a power we can each lend ourselves to and allow to be the place from where we operate. We can love ourselves and act in the world from a place of love. Imagine a world where we all operate from a place of love. No one can speak for the whole world, but today, by performing this ceremony, Name and Name are saying that they will act from a place of love in their marriage. They are saying that the power of love is greater than they are and that it’s a power that can make each of them better people and better together as a married couple. As your marriage changes and grows, there will be times you wonder about the love that binds you. You may not always feel it and think it is gone. At those times, I hope you look at this cord and realize it’s still there. They have 3 strands here - 3 cords. One stands for each of them, and the third stands for love - the tie that binds. They will now braid them together. Puzzle Ceremony Name and Name have decided to celebrate the unity of becoming a family with their children (Name here) by building a puzzle to symbolize their bond, which will continue to strengthen as the years pass. The puzzle is in the shape of a circle showing no end and no beginning. As each of you places your puzzle piece together, it symbolizes the individuality and strength you bring to make the bond stronger. Because A family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, the ones who give you unconditional love. The stories of our lives are written on the same page, Memories that will be made and treasured always. It is important to be there for each other, supporting and caring, Helping and understanding, sharing and walking life’s path together, and making the journey more beautiful because you are a family, and Families, Live, Love & Laugh together. Glass Ceremony Name and Name are now going to perform a glass ceremony to symbolize their marriage. Here, you can see they have three vessels. Two of them are filled with colored glass. The third is the vessel into which they will pour the glass. Each of their vessels of glass represent who they are as individuals. Who they are today and everything before this day that makes them who they are today. This includes their families, their upbringings, and all of you here today, who by your friendship and kindness have helped make them who they are. Once they pour the glasses together they can never separate the two again. Next, it will be sent to a glassblower who will melt the glass and skillfully blow it into a work of art for Name and Name to cherish for years to come. Fisherman’s Knot Today, Name and Name have chosen to “Tie the Knot” Literally, They will be tying these cords together with what is called a Lover’s Knot to symbolize the two of them coming together as one. The “lover’s knot” is the strongest knot there is. When tied correctly, it doesn’t break, it only become stronger when under pressure. The rope itself will break before the knot comes undone. By performing this ceremony today and intertwining your separate lives into one. The finished knot symbolizes your future, and how your love and marriage will continue to be strong despite any trials life may throw your way. Jump the Broom This is an African American tradition and Celtic tradition often incorporated in a handfasting. As we conclude the ceremony today and pronounce Name and Name married, they are going to jump the broom! They are sweeping away the past and jumping together into their common future! Ring Warming At this time, I’m going to pass around the wedding rings. We call this a ring warming. We are asking that as you pass them you share your positive vibes, blessings and prayers. When they make their way back to the front Name and Name will exchange them and carry your love with them as they embark on their journey through life together. They are starting out as cold pieces of metal and they will return to them ready to exchange warmed with your love. Whiskey Ceremony Name and Name are now going to perform a Whiskey Ceremony! Whisky starts straight off the still as moonshine. The longer the moonshine sits, the more it matures into a fine bourbon whiskey. Moonshine can be flavored in all sorts or ways. Name and Name each have their own bottle of moonshine that reflects their own personal flavor. They are now going to mix them together in this barrel and let them age. A year or two from now, they can open the barrel and have a drink together. The hope is, just as the whiskey ages, getting better with time, so will their love for one another. The flavors will blend and mellow and go down smooth warming them from the inside out. Breaking the Glass It is a Jewish custom to end the wedding ceremony with the breaking of a glass. Some people say that this symbolizes the irrevocable change in the lives of the couple standing before us; others say it represents both the joy and sorrow within a marriage, with a commitment to stand by your partner even through the hard times. And, of course, the breaking of the glass marks the beginning of the celebration. So please, after Name breaks the glass, I invite everyone to shout the Hebrew words “Mazel Tov,” meaning “Congratulations.” Tree Planting Name and Name will now plant a tree signifying the joining of their lives together, the commitment that they have made to one another, and the strength and nurturing each will provide to the relationship as they grow and mature together. (The couple will pour soil into the pot. This can be from their parents back yards to symbolize where they came from. Another option is to water the tree or plant. It's cleaner.) I like to read this as you pour the dirt or water: “Thoughts in a Garden” by R. Gerhardt Your home is a special place, a place where you have brought beautiful flowers and plants to establish them, to nurture and care for them, that they may forever surround you with the beauty we now see. And into this place where we stand, you have brought something else beautiful -- the relationship that is becoming your marriage. Here you are declaring it and pledging it, promising to establish and nurture it. We are aware of the special beauty between the two of you, just as we are aware of the special beauty of this place. We are with you now in this appropriate place to celebrate your relationship as it is and as it is yet to be, and in doing so, we ask only that you remember how your life together will have the same seasons and needs as your gardens. There will be growth like spring and loss like fall; there will be giving as the blossoming flower, and rest as the seed beneath the snow. All the seasons will be yours, but remember, too, that gardens are not must happenings. The more wonderful the garden, the more skilled the gardener. So you will have to care deeply for your new tree and for the life that is now yours together. Nurture it. Appreciate your differences and cultivate them. You will have to take care of yourself, if for no other reason than out of love for the other. And you will need the support of family and friends to reach full growth. As you caringly chose to plant this tree as a declaration of your marriage, so remember its lessons for your life together through the seasons that are yours to share. And may those seasons bring you and yours joy and happiness. God's Cross This script is courtesy of You can purchase your unity cross there! At this time, Name and Name will assemble the Unity Cross, a beautiful sculpture they will display in their home to remind them of the covenant they are making today. In Genesis chapter 1, we read that God created man in His own image. That means that He created man bold, strong, to be a leader, to be a protector of his wife and family. Holding the groom's piece of the Unity Cross, Officiant says: The outer form of the Unity Cross represents the strength, leadership, and protection of the man. The book of Ephesians reminds husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church, totally and completely giving himself for her. At this time the Officiant hands the piece to the groom and he places his cross onto the base. Holding the bride's piece of the cross, the officiant says: The Book of Genesis Chapter 2 Verses 20-23 tells us that the woman was taken from man. The bride's piece of the Unity Cross represents the beauty and the many capabilities of the woman, designed with intricate, beautiful detail and is placed inside the protection of the groom's cross, completing the sculpture and representing the Two Becoming One. At this time, the officiant hands the bride her piece of the cross and she places it into the center of the man's cross. To complete this sculpture, representing the couple's covenant, we are placing three pegs to hold it together. These pegs represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, showing God's place in this covenant and the security and completeness that only our Heavenly Father can give. At this time the three pegs will be placed into the Unity Cross, completing the sculpture. The scriptures tell us that a three-stranded cord is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Matthew 19: 5-6 says, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
12/12/2022 Final Words and Secular BlessingsFinal Words Option 1 Life and love are the greatest gifts bestowed upon humanity. May your union grant you patience, tolerance, and understanding, as well as the passion and excitement every marriage should possess. May you need one another, but not out of weakness. May you want one another, but not out of lack May you support one another, as a sign of mutual independence. May you continually rediscover your love in one another as the greatest gift of all. Final Words Option 2 Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be a companion to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. Treat yourselves and each other with respect, patience, and compassion, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness, and kindness that your love deserves. If each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight. May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth. Go now and enter into the days of your life together. Final Words Option 3 May your marriage be filled with love. May your admiration, appreciation, and understanding of each other foster a love that is passionate, tranquil, and real. May this love between you be strong and enduring, and bring peace into your lives. May you have a loving home filled with warmth, humor, and compassion. May you create a family together that honors traditions old and new. May you teach your children to have equal respect for themselves and others, and instill in them the value of learning and making the world a better place. May you be best friends and work together to build a relationship of substance and quality. May your sense of humor and playful spirit continue to enliven your relationship. May you respect each other’s individual personality and perspective, and give each other room to grow in fulfilling your dreams. May you grow older and wiser together. May you continually learn from one another and from the world. Together, may you grow, deepening your knowledge and understanding of each other and of your journey through life. May you live and long and healthy life. May life bring you wholeness of mind, body, and spirit. May you keep each other well-balanced and grounded, and live long that you may share many happy years together. May your life be filled with the art and beauty of this world. May your creative aspirations and experiences find expression, inspire you, and bring you joy and fulfillment. May you find happiness together in adventures big and small, and something to celebrate each day of your lives. May you be an intricate part of your community. May you always be blessed with the awareness that you are an essential part of a circle of family and friends. May there always be within this group love, trust, support, and laughter, and may there be many future occasions for rejoicing in their company. Final Words Option 4 Name and Name, may you live happily ever after. May all your days be blessed with love and friendship. May each day and night of your lives be a new beginning. May your home be filled with laughter and the warm embrace of a summer day. May you find peacefulness and beauty, challenge, and satisfaction, humor and insight, healing and renewal, love and wisdom, as in a quiet heart. May you always feel that what you have is enough. Final Words Option 5 You came here today to affirm your love for one another and formally acknowledge that which your hearts already knew…that your lives are meant to be shared as one, that you are stronger together than you are apart, and that, for all the days yet to come, you wish to share together all life’s joys and challenges, committed one to the other. May you forever feel that the life you share is the life you have always wanted. Final Words Option 6 As you make your home together, may you know great love together. May your home be a place of happiness for all who enter it, a place where all are renewed in each other's company, a place for growing, understanding, and laughter. When Shadow and darkness creep within its walls, may it still be a place of hope, strength, and love. May those who are nearest to you be constantly enriched by the beauty and bounty of your love for one another Final Blessing Option 7 Irish Blessings May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. May God be with you and bless you; May you see your children's children. May you be poor in misfortune, Rich in blessings, May you know nothing but happiness From this day forward. May the road rise to meet youMay the wind be always at your back May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home And may the hand of a friend always be near. May green be the grass you walk on, May blue be the skies above you, May pure be the joys that surround you, May true be the hearts that love you. ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
12/11/2022 The Pronouncement!I Now Pronounce you:I Now Pronounce You Married! Husband and Wife! Wife and Wife! Husband and Husband! Partners for Life! Spouse and Spouse! Married! Please let me know what works for you! Pronouncement Option 1 Name and Name, in the presence of your family and friends today, you have spoken the words and performed the rites which unite your lives. It is my great please to pronounce you husband and wife/married. Pronouncement Option 2 Forasmuch as you, Name. and you, Name, have openly declared your wishes to be united in marriage, and in the presence of these witnesses have pledged love to each other, and have confirmed the same by joining hands, exchanging rings and declaring your vows, I, as a minister, and legally authorized to do so, pronounce that you are now, husband and wife/married. Pronouncement Option 3 Name and Name, through their words today, have joined together in marriage. Because they have exchanged their vows before these witnesses, have pledged their commitment each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by exchanging rings, I now pronounce that they are husband and wife/married. Those who have chosen to be joined together, let no one separate! The Kiss! You may kiss the Bride! You may seal this marriage with a kiss! Kiss!! Don't kiss... it's up to you! ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Guide ** Formal Wedding Ceremony Scripts ** Elopement Ceremony Guide ** Elopement Ceremony Scripts ** Parts of a Wedding Ceremony ** Vow Writing Guide ** Unplugged Ceremony ** Opening Prayers ** Welcoming ** Moment of Silence ** Declaration of Support ** About Love and Marriage ** Non-Religious Readings ** Christian Readings ** Secular I-do's! ** Christian I-do-s! ** Ring Meaning ** Ring Blessings ** Secular Ring Exchanges ** Christian Ring Exchanges ** Unity Ceremonies ** Secular Blessings ** Christian Blessings ** The-pronouncement-Secular ** The Pronouncement - Christian **
Final Christian Blessing Option 1 Gracious God, richly bless this bride and groom in the promises that they have made to each other. Grant that the courtesies, the thoughtfulness, and the self-giving which already have laid the foundation for their love, build the home which is raised on it. May they be loyal and engaging companions to each other,. and may they be loving and wise parents. And in this world where there is much disillusion and disappointment... where love brings delight and also wounding in the frailty of our ways... make them a visible symbol of the love that does not wane when the evening comes but is fresh with each new day. And as you bless this special couple this day, bless each union represented here. Forgive us where we have not been good news and glad days for each other. Perfect our imperfect love with the joy that comes from above, and may we grow ourselves and grow in affirmation of the other. May the Lord bless you and take care of you: May the Lord be kind and gracious to you: May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace. Final Christian Blessing Option 2 In joining your lives may God grant you both... Love... to afford each other a special quality of time together. the accomplishments of one another. Understanding...that your interests and desires will not always be the same. Friendship...based on mutual trust. speak of a misunderstanding and to work on a solution before the setting of the sun. comfort each other in pain and sorrow. realize rainbows follow rainy days. keep with you part of the child you used to be. Mirth...from your sense of humor. live each day with the knowledge that there is no promise of tomorrow. May God bless you and keep you in the Palm of His hand. Final Christian Blessing Option 3 May you be blessed with Hope enough to keep sunshine in your love, and Fear enough to keep you holding hands in the dark; May God bless you with Unity enough to keep your roots entwined, and Separation enough to keep you reaching for each other; May God bless you with Harmony enough to keep romance in your song, and Discord enough to keep you tuning your love so it becomes sweet music to all who may hear it.
12/11/2022 Christian Pronouncement of Marriage ScriptsChristian Pronouncement of Marriage Option 1 Forasmuch as Name and Name have consented together in holy matrimony, and have pledged their love and loyalty to each other, and have declared the same by the joining and the giving of rings, by the power vested in me, and as witnessed by friends and family, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Christian Pronouncement Of Marriage Option 2 Name and Name, in the presence of God, your family and friends today, you have spoken the words and performed the rites which unite your lives.It is my legal right as a minister and my greatest joy and privilege to declare you husband and wife. Christian Pronouncement of Marriage Option 3 In the name of the Holy Spirit who performs every true marriage, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
12/11/2022 Questions For The CoupleWhen I meet with a couple for the first time I have a list of questions I ask. Usually, the first question I ask is if you have any any questions for me? I've found that often couples don't even know where to begin with questions so I go through all of my questions, with explanations. By the time we're done, you are pretty well educated on the wedding ceremony process. Here is my current list of questions - I have explanations of why I ask them down below. I am a wedding officiant that is open to everyone. I marry any couple any way they want to be married. I don't judge your answers!! I want to get a better understanding of who you are and how I can best address your wants and needs. Your wedding ceremony is often very different from your reception and party. I'm open equally to atheists and religious couples but the conversation is going to be different in many ways. I've tried to list these questions in some list of importance but it's almost impossible to do so. I usually go through the list at some point in our meeting and make sure we have addressed everything. What is the date, time and location of your wedding? This is actually the first question I would ask. We would have already discussed this to make sure I'm available. I do clarify it from time to time, depending on your wedding. Small weddings can change easily. How did you meet meet? Tell me about your relationship. What do you do together? I do not care if you met on a pick-up app. Many couples meet online!! Knowing more about who each of you are and how you relate to each other get my mind moving in the direction of the best ceremony options for you and how we may be able to incorporate your story into your ceremony and if you even want that. It will also see if we are a good fit for each other. Don't feel bad if we aren't. You need to find the officiant that is right for you. Why did you choose your venue? There is an almost endless list of places to get married. If you say you chose your venue because they take care of everything from start to finish you may want me to do that too. If it's the same place your grandparents got married that changes the dynamic. If you say you fell head over heels in love with the venue the moment you walked in that says something completely different!! If you say it's because it was super-cheap and you are on a budget I will discuss everything that I have to offer you that's within your budget. How many guests do you expect at your wedding? This changes the dynamic of your wedding ceremony. Intimate weddings of 50 are much different from a guest list of 150 or more. Will there be children in attendance? Some ceremonies can be more family friendly than others. I will want to make sure that if there are children in attendance that they will be properly attended to. If you are having kids at your wedding and are OK with them running around and having fun. I'm OK with that too! I just want to make sure we are on the same page. If you have autistic children or adults that are unpredictable with their behavior I'm OK with that too. (I'm MORE than OK with that!!) What type of ceremony do you want? Religious, non-religious, something in the middle? This is a hotspot with a lot of weddings. There is no right or wrong answer. I just want to understand what you are looking for and be honest with what I can and cannot provide for you. The majority of marriages I perform are non-religious. But I became a wedding officiant so couples can get married any way they like. Parents want religious ceremonies, you don't. You might want something in between. In regards to formal ceremonies, that's often a basically non-religious ceremony with a short prayer or blessing. I perform a lot of Catholic-lite ceremonies. Jewish-multifaith ceremonies as well! If you say non-religious - I'm going to ask if you are atheist - because with some couples, there's a difference. Secular Humanism is a choice and there are some more appropriate ceremony options. My basic non-religious ceremonies usually work for just about everyone - we usually add spiritual aspects to them if a couple chooses. Your wedding is about you, your relationship and your love for each other. If you say you want a Christian ceremony I'm going to ask what you mean by a Christian ceremony and why you are seeking a wedding officiant instead of your own pastor? Often the answers are because it's a second marriage and your pastor won't perform a second marriage. Maybe you are looking for a permanent church home but haven't found one yet and don't want to make a quick decision just to have a pastor to marry you. I have a strong Christian background but I'm not going to give a sermon and I don't feel comfortable with administering communion. I perform several handfasting every year but I'm not a pagan or a witch. We often incorporate handfasting into more traditional wedding ceremonies. Every now and then a couple will want a traditional pagan handfasting ceremony and I'm happy to do that that but I'm going to want to know if this is c0splay for you or there is more meaning behind the ceremony. Do you have a theme? If you have a theme, sometimes your theme may work into your ceremony and sometimes it doesn't. It's fun to explore your options! How many people are in your wedding party? The difference between 4 and 14 will let me know what your realistic needs are for a rehearsal. Will there be children in your wedding party? Anything children in your wedding party do is perfect - just make sure it's perfect for you. Is there someone available to take care of the children? Do you have realistic expectations? Is there anything atypical about your wedding party? Man of honor or best woman? Men of Honor and Best Women are very popular and people who are trans are becoming more common. I want to understand the general dynamics of your wedding ceremony. Every now and then there will be possibilities of drama. I want to help in any way I can to make your ceremony about you and not other people's drama. You may not be able to not invite your transphobic grandma but I want to be able to address her appropriately if it come up. Will you be drunk at your wedding ceremony? I usually expect you to have had a few drinks while you are getting ready for your ceremony. Mimosa's or beers, maybe a shot of whisky. If you are going to be happy drunks I'm totally OK with that. I just want to know what I'm working with! If you are going to be drunk we will steer away from a religious ceremony and go more towards a lighthearted - fun wedding ceremony!!! More weddings are starting with cocktails before the ceremony. I think it's a great option for a non-religious ceremony. You have happy guests and the dynamic is less stressful. Who will escort the bride/groom down the aisle? Do you want to be given away or presented in marriage? Maybe you want to walk down the aisle alone? Your father, your stepfather - or both! Your mom can walk you down the aisle. Your mother and your father. Your children can be a great option. We've had foster parents escort a groom down the aisle. It's not uncommon to have both parents walk both the bride and groom down the aisle. It's a Jewish tradition. It's totally OK for your father to walk you down the aisle and for him to give you away. We know, you know, and your father knows that he does not own you. This is a very sweet and timeless tradition. But if you prefer "Who presents this woman in marriage?" It's totally OK too. It's become more common to leave this part out all together. We have been adding a more inclusive options where we ask both the bride's parents and the groom's parents if we have their blessing for the marriage. Do you want to write your own vows? Do you want to repeat after me with the vows or just say "I do." Legally, some sort of "I do" needs to be said. Other than that, anything goes. You may want to write your own vows and not share them in front of everyone. We can discuss the many options. Do you want a Unity Ceremony? Just the two of you or include others? There are many options for unity ceremonies and they are also not a requirement. If it's not fun or meaningful to you, leave it out. Will you have Readers or Performers? You might want someone to share a reading. We'll discuss options. You might have a friend that sings or maybe your kids have a band and they want to play a song. Will you have a DJ, musicians or will someone be playing from a playlist? If you are getting married at Valle Vista they will have a person playing from a playlist - I also know they provide me with a lavalier microphone. Your DJ might only have a handheld microphone. You may be having a wedding in a place where I don't need a microphone. That helps me to prepare. If I know I'm going to have a handheld microphone without a stand I won't print out the ceremony - I'll read it from my tablet. It's easier. Is there anything you must have in your ceremony? I won't know if you don't tell me and I don't want you do be afraid to ask. Your options are limitless!! Is there anything you definitely do not want in your ceremony? The most epic answer to date is "don't mention God or Trump." Don't worry, you would have to ask me to include either!! Are there any special needs I should be aware of? Maybe you have anxiety? I will do my best to take the pressure off of you. Maybe you have guests with special needs? I have two children on the autism spectrum. I very open to any special needs and will bend over backward to accommodate. Are your parents still married? Remarried? Do they get along? This may or may not be a tricky situation. I want to make sure I don't hurt anyone's feelings by accident. If your mom and dad need to be as far apart from each other as possible and your step mother is a trophy wife and it's a problem.... Let me know! Generally, there are possibilities of things that may go wrong but most people pull it together for your wedding and there are no problems. I do want to make sure I don't make assumptions at the rehearsal. Are you grandparents still living? Will they be in attendance? This can be emotionally difficult for some couples and their families. This also leaves options open for the rehearsal that need to be answered. Do you want to remember anyone during your ceremony? Do you want a moment of silence? Usually, we have a brief moment of silence acknowledging those who couldn't make it to the wedding or who are no longer with us. It's a blanket statement. Sometimes, we name people. Sometimes we leave this out. It depends on the situation. We don't want to stir up unhappy feelings on a happy day, but we also want to be respectful. Will you have a day of event coordinator, wedding planner or someone organizing your rehearsal? This helps me to assess what you will need from me more accurately. Some venues are all inclusive and take care of everything - including your rehearsal and making sure everyone gets down the aisle and that you have the perfect grand entrance. Sometimes, you need me to organize it all. If you have a day of event coordinator they will go over the procession details with you and I don't want to be redundant. I will always defer to your venue coordinator and take up where they leave off. Each venue is different. I have no problem doing it all at any time.
12/11/2022 How To Organize Your Wedding RehearsalOrganizing Your Wedding Rehearsal12/2/2022
This is a quick rundown of things to remember when planning your wedding ceremony and what you will need to organize at before your rehearsal. There are family members that you may want to seat formally as part of the wedding. You usually choose different songs to be played for each group or just one song if you like. It’s up to you. Usually, those who are formally seated are grandparents and parents. If your grandparents are still with us they can walk down the aisle together. If you grandfather is no longer living you would want a gentleman - a family member or a groomsman to walk them down the aisle to their seats. After the grand parents come the parents. Sometimes the groom will walk the mothers down the aisle which is very nice. Or, the groom can walk down the aisle with his parents. The brides mother is seated last. It is usually done by her son or another family member or the groom. The groom and the groomsmen can either walk in all together with the officiant or they can escort the bridesmaids in. Bridesmaids walk in, Maid (matron) of honor is last followed by ring bearers and flower girls. The music changes for the bride. The officiant asks everyone to stand and the bride is walked walks down the aisle. When the bride reaches the front her father “Hands her over to her waiting groom.” Here, you need to decide will your father just go sit down and wait for the question of “who gives this bride in marriage” or do you want the question right then and there before the ceremony begins. Both ways are fine you just want to make sure your dad knows what he’s doing. Dad’s can get really nervous and not remember what to do here. It is very cute! You want to know who will have the rings for the ring exchange. At the end of the ceremony I’ll pronounce you husband and wife and you get to kiss. This is a where your music person needs to know when to start the recessional. Usually I will pronounce you husband and wife. You kiss and the music starts and I speak loudly over the music “Mr. and Mrs……” Or, you may want the music to start after I introduce you by your new name. When you rehearse, what I usually do is place everyone where they will be during the ceremony. The groom is on the right facing the front and the bride is on the left. The wedding party needs to know where they will stand and how they will fit next to you to make a great picture. Know where any children in the ceremony will be. Standing up with the wedding party or going to their parents in the front row. (your daughter will be in the front row) Then, practice the recessional. The bride and groom walk all the way down the aisle together then the bridesmaids and groomsmen follow. The next starts once the one in front of them get’s half way down the aisle. Are there any announcements that need to be made for after the ceremony? Cocktails? Pictures? Where to go. That sort of thing. Will the guests be dismissed by rows or will they just leave on their own? Will there be a receiving line? Now, Everyone practice walking in processing to the place they were already standing. Practice with parents and grandparents if they are there. Go over the important parts of the ceremony like the rings and vows to your daughter and then recess again, make sure everyone knows what they are doing and you are done! |